Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Traitor Amongst Us

By all accounts, Bryan Singer is a gifted and insightful director.He's a product of the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts (transferring from the New York School of Visual Arts). He was the guiding force behind X-Men and X2, which he wrote and directed both pictures. Singer had stated in the past in various interviews that he had seen the characters in the films--with their inborn mutant abilities and the societal rejection of these individuals--as allegorical to the experiences of gay people and the societal stigma they face. Singer is Jewish and openly gay. He also directed one of the more iconic films of the late 20th century--The Usual Suspects (Kevin Spacey got himself his first Oscar for this one). He's also the executive producer of what is arguably one of the finest shows on broadcast television--House (with the brilliant Hugh Laurie in the title role), and the ABC sleaze-fest Dirty Sexy Money (I've seen a couple of the episodes--this show is just trash...although with today's climate, it should do well in the world of professional anorexic Paris Hilton wanting to do the dirty dirty with all of her fans and poor old crazy-as-a-rat-in-a-coffee-can Britney Spears and her camera-loving koo-cha-cha). This man is immensely smart, and immensely talented.

He's also unapologetically taking a big fat shit on gay men and women around the world...and probably getting a fat paycheck for doing it.

Why do I say this? Simple answer, children--Valkyrie. What the hell is Valkyrie, you ask? Well children, pour yourself a glass of iced tea (sweetened please--I'm from the South), have a seat in a nice comfy chair, and little Sordid Business will educate you on Bryan Singer, Tom Cruise, and the Church of Scientology. Just in case you are wondering, it's Mr. Singer I am jamming the knife into today (clarification is a beautiful thing, isn't it?).

Here's the brief rundown on this movie of the damned...everyone's favorite pint-sized litigious Scientologist is starring as German Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, the leader of a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler in what history has recorded as the July 20 Plot. Cruise put out some drivel about how he was drawn to the role because von Stauffenburg was a hero who took a stand against tyranny, blah blah blah. If you have had a chance to read the new book out on Short Round, you'll find out that there is more to this story than it appears on the surface.

Why am I bringing up Morton's book on our little diva (and why and I relating all of this to Bryan the Traitor)? Well, Morton has a track record of being pretty on-target with the subjects of his books, and in this book, the author indicates that Valkyrie is happening because Cruise and the other shortie, David Miscavige (head of Scientology...I saw a photo of him--I was tempted to put a harness on him and dwarf toss him. Not very nice of me, but then, so what.), want an in into the German brain-dead persons market (let's face it, children--to buy into L. Ron Hubbard's bad acid trip of a philosophy, you must have either ceased all higher brain functions, or you have to be mentally disturbed in some manner). The feeling (based on how I read the book) in the Scientology bunker appears to be that if the leading light of Scientology (by some accounts, he's Number Two in the organization in everything but title) is shown depicting a man who is arguably a German hero, then it may permeate the German brain-dead persons market with "Hey, these Scientologists are pretty cool....let's contact them and sign away our lives".

Getting to Bryan the Traitor....what enrages me about his involvement with this film is the fact that a certain amount of the earnings from this film will (courtesy of Short Round) find its way into the coffers of the Church of Scientology. Why should that matter, you ask? Simple, children....the Church of Scientology founder (L. Ron Hubbard) made it CRYSTALLY clear during his lifetime (and in his Scientology utterances and writings that are still in use today--they are the scriptures for the brain-dead, after all) that people who were other than hetero should be removed from society (he didn't exactly elaborate beyond that, but you aren't stupid, know how to read between lines). If Bryan the Traitor makes this film a hit, then that will mean millions of dollars will flow through Short Round's hot little hands and to an organization that hates people like me...and Bryan Singer...and every other "person of a same-sex nature". That money will go for the production of more literature extolling "the virtues of brain-deadism" (oops---I meant "Scientology"...I must have had a brain fart). He will be aiding our enemy in slandering us by being a financial accomplice. Now that I think about it, maybe Mr. Singer should join the Church of Scientology, since helping enrich this organization's coffers, and thereby enabling them to spread their message against us, sounds kinda brain-dead. Granted, the openly gay and Jewish things may be a problem, but that's life.

Valkyrie is slated for release 03 October 2008. No self-respecting "person of a same-sex nature" (nor any straights who have friends they value who happen to be in that group) should see this film. It turn out to be an excellent film...but that doesn't excuse the fact that money from this film (in some fashion) will be employed against us--all brought to you by an openly gay director who seems to have far more talent than he does self-respect.

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